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Stevedores Expected to Build Strong Synergy with Port Operators

Stevedoring companies are expected to build a stronger synergy with port operators (BUP) in a bid to create efficiency in loading unloading, cut logistics (port) costs, and to sustain business (stevedoring) activities, some key note speakers for the Assembly Meeting Muswil III of the APBMI DKI Jakarta have said.

APBMI DKI Jakarata (Indonesia Stevedoring Companies’ Association Chapter Jakarta) today, October 4, 2022, conducted an Assembly Meeting (Muswil III). The Muswill III is expected to elect new Chairman, in addition to other agenda of future business and cooperation.

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The Muswil was officially opened by the Syafrin Liputo, Head of Transportation Agency at the Provincial Government of DKI Jakarta.

In his remarks, Syafrin Liputo asked APBMI DKI and all PBM members to continue to synergize with stakeholders, associations and port operators (BUP) in a bid to improve the performance of loading and unloading of goods and logistics services at the Tanjung Priok port.

Syafrin Liputo

Syafrin said that currently there are 181 loading and unloading companies (PBM) that have permits from the DKI Jakarta Province. “This means that PBM contributes to the smooth flow of logistics in the capital. Because the logistics movement is the motor of the economy and PBM is one of the links,” he said.

Echoing the view, Chairman of APBMI Juswandi Kristanto reminded the importance of strengthening the synergy between PBM and BUP. Juswandi appreciates the Muswil that has put the issue of synergy as the top topic.

APBMI DKI entitled its 3rd Muswil with theme ‘Memperkuat Sinergi dan Kemitraan Perusahaan Bongkar Muat dengan Badan Usaha Pelabuhan’ ( Strengthening Synergy and Partnership between Stevedoring Companies and Port Operators).

The Muswil, apart from being attended by all members of APBMI DKI Jakarta, was also attended by agencies and stakeholders as well as related associations at the Tanjung Priok port.

Juswandi Kristanto

Also present on the occasion were the DKI Jakarta Transportation Agency, Tanjung Priok Port Authority, Priok Harbour Master, Marunda Port Authority (KSOP), Pelindo Management, Pelindo Regional 2 Tanjung Priok Management, Tanjung Priok Port Police, North Jakarta City Chamber of Commerce.

In addition, representatives of the management of the Indonesia National Shipowners Association (INSA) Jaya, Indonesia Shipping Agency Association (ISAA) DKI Jakarta, Indonesian Logistics and Forwarders Association (ALFI DKI Jakarta), Indonesian National Importers Association (GINSI DKI Jakarta), Indonesian Exporters Association (GPEI), and the Indonesian Trucking Companies’ Association (Aptrindo DKI Jakarta).

“We must be committed to collaborate on how the port remains conducive. We think building a stronger synergy and partnership with BUP (port operator) is the way to it (conducive port operation),” Juswandi noted.

Stevedores Expected to Improve Efficiency, Cut Cost

Meanwhile, Regional Head 2 of Pelindo Guna Mulyana reminds all stevedoring companies on the future challenges in the port activities. He underlined the two main issues: improving efficiency and cut cost.

Hence, Guna calls all stevedoring companies adopt qualified loading and unloading technology or equipment, digitalization, as well as increasing the competence of human resources.

Guna Mulyana

In addition, stevedoring companies are expected care with the environment issues and the aspects of safety. “But, anyway, thanks to the commitment of APBMI to make the port conducive,” Guna said.

Meanwhile, Head of Tanjung Priok OP, Capt. Wisnu Handoko hopes that loading and unloading performance will increase, TKBM will be solid and maintain good relations and communication with all stakeholders.

“PBM is an important partner in port services. Healthy PBM performance will foster improved port performance,” he said in his remark speech delivered by Kunto Saktiaji, Head of PBM Sub-Section,  OP Priok.

70 PBM Participants

In his remarks, the Chairman of the Organizing Committee (OC) of the Muswil H. Sugiharsono, said that of the 82 loading and unloading companies (PBM) that registered in the third Muswil, there were 70 PBMs who registered themselves as Muswil participants.

“Muswil’s participation is the best achievement. We express our gratitude to PBM who have actively participated in this Muswil,” said Sugi.

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Meanwhile, Chairman of the DKI Jakarta APBMI DPW Sodik Harjono appreciated the excellent synergy and collaboration that had been established so far between PBM in DKI Jakarta and the management of Pelindo or BUP at Tanjung Priok port.